Diablo 2: Resurrected – The Ultimate Barbarian Uber-Slayer Build
Today, I’m showcasing an Uber Barbarian build like no other. This is for the die-hard fans who’ve been begging me to give Angelics a try, and for those who threatened to unsubscribe because I didn’t. This one’s for you. Let’s break it down piece by piece, talk strategy, and see how this toad of a Barbarian performs against the Ubers.
The Gear: Fine-Tuned for Uber Tristram
· 300% Enhanced Damage
· Resists and defense buffs
· A powerhouse for raw damage output.
In my last article, I used Chains of Honor for its resistances and utility, but Fortitude provides unparalleled damage. The trade-off? Lower resistances, which makes Conviction a nightmare. But, hey—this is a research channel; we take risks.
1. Main Hand: Beast (Berserker Axe)
o Fanaticism Aura: Boosts attack speed, damage, and attack rating.
o Crushing Blow and Open Wounds: Essential for tearing through Uber bosses.
2. Off Hand: Death (Berserker Axe)
o 50% Crushing Blow and 46% Deadly Strike.
o Combined with Beast, this setup makes short work of even the most durable enemies.
Alternate Strategy:
Fans often recommend dual Grief for general PvM, but against Ubers, it lacks Crushing Blow and Open Wounds, which are critical for sustained fights.
Guillaume's Face (GFace)
· 35% Crushing Blow
· Socketed with a Cham rune for Cannot Be Frozen.
· Vital for dealing with Uber Mephisto’s chilling attacks.
Rings & Amulet
Angelic Set (2x Rings + Amulet)
· Massive Attack Rating boost—over 29,000!
· 20% Damage Taken Goes to Mana from the Amulet.
This setup has pros and cons. Angelics provide incredible attack rating but sacrifice Deadly Strike from Highlord’s Wrath. Testing these combinations is key to finding what works best for your playstyle.
Gore Riders
· Crushing Blow, Open Wounds, and Deadly Strike.
Goodbye Goblin Toe; Gore Riders are simply superior for Ubers due to their multi-faceted utility.
Laying of Hands
· 350% Damage to Demons.
· 20% Increased Attack Speed.
Considering Ubers are all demons, this is a no-brainer.
String of Ears
· Damage Reduction and Life Leech.
· Helps mitigate the heavy-hitting Uber bosses.
A mix of:
· Resist Charms to help cap Lightning Res against Mephisto’s Conviction.
· Life and Attack Rating Charms to enhance survivability and hit chance.
Stats and Skills
Core Stats
1. Strength: Enough for gear.
2. Dexterity: Enough for max block if using a shield; otherwise, minimal.
3. Vitality: Dump the rest here.
4. Energy: None—Mana Leech and Damage Taken Goes to Mana handle your resource needs.
Skill Distribution
1. Combat Skills:
o Whirlwind: Primary attack skill.
o Leap/Howl: Useful for controlling adds during Uber fights.
2. Masteries:
o Max Weapon Mastery for your chosen weapon.
3. Warcries:
o Battle Orders: Max for increased life and mana.
o Shout: Max for boosted defense.
Testing the Build: Uber Tristram
Before entering Tristram, ensure:
· Life Tap is ready: Use a Wand of Life Tap on switch.
· Enchant your weapons: Demon Limb provides a handy attack rating boost.
· Stock up on potions: Ubers hit hard, and you’ll need a steady supply.
The Fight
Uber Mephisto
The scariest of the trio due to his Conviction aura. Even with Fortitude, my resistances dropped significantly, but Life Tap kept me afloat. Howl is invaluable for scaring off minions so you can focus on Mephisto.
Uber Baal
The tankiest boss due to his high armor. Thanks to Angelics and Fanaticism, my attack rating allowed me to land consistent hits. However, keeping Life Tap active is essential to sustain against his clones and attacks.
Uber Diablo
Despite his Firestorm ability, he’s the least problematic. With high Crushing Blow and Deadly Strike, he fell quickly.
Lessons Learned and Potential Adjustments
1. Angelics vs. Highlord’s Wrath
While Angelics provided insane attack rating, Highlord’s Wrath offers Deadly Strike and other valuable stats. I plan to test this in a future article to see which performs better overall.
2. Dual Grief Experiment
Many argue Grief is the ultimate weapon for Barbarians, but its lack of Crushing Blow could be a disadvantage against Ubers. I’ll test this setup with Highlord’s and Duress to balance out the shortcomings.
3. Fortitude vs. Chains of Honor
Fortitude excels in damage, but Chains of Honor provides better resistances and utility. If Conviction proves too punishing, switching back might be wise.
Final Thoughts
This Uber Barbarian is an absolute beast, but there’s always room for refinement. If you’re aiming to farm Ubers, Crushing Blow and Open Wounds are non-negotiable. Angelics proved surprisingly effective, but alternative setups with Highlord’s and Dual Grief warrant further testing.
What do you think? Have you tried different setups for Uber Tristram? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll test the most popular suggestions in a future article.
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