Diablo 4 - How To Farm Mythics in Season 7
Welcome, adventurers! We're diving into the critical topic of Mythic gear in Diablo 4 Season 7—how to acquire these coveted endgame pieces without relying on the costly and tedious crafting methods involving runes. Mythic gear is what takes your build to the next level, especially in the endgame, and finding these items can make a huge difference between struggling on Torment 4 and pushing successfully into the Pit. In this guide, I'll walk you through three efficient ways to farm Mythic gear and discuss strategies to optimize your chances of finding them.
Why did I leave out crafting Mythics with runes, you ask? Because in Season 7, obtaining runes has become exceptionally challenging, and purchasing Mythics can cost you a fortune—I've seen a single Bac Mythic priced at a staggering 1 billion Diablo IV gold! But don't worry—there are still ways to get your hands on these powerful items without having to break the bank. Let's jump right in.
Method 1: Crafting a Mythic Unique Cache at the Blacksmith
The first method you'll likely encounter when chasing your first Mythic gear is through crafting Mythic Unique Caches at the Blacksmith. These caches serve as a great starting point for players who are looking to acquire high-tier Mythic gear. Here's the rundown on how to do it:
The Recipe: What You Need
To craft a Mythic Unique Cache, you will need Resplendent Sparks. Currently, there are four main ways to acquire these sparks:
1. Completing the Season Journey – Progressing through your season journey will reward you with Resplendent Sparks.
2. Maxing out your Coven Reputation – If you've worked on your Coven reputation, you should have some sparks already in your inventory.
3. Killing Uber Lilith at any Torment level – This is a huge challenge, but if you manage to take down Uber Lilith, you'll earn a significant amount of sparks.
4. Reaching the maximum Reputation level in the Lunar Event – This special event offers a chance to farm for additional sparks.
Once you have gathered enough Resplendent Sparks—usually about four—you'll be able to craft two Mythic Unique Caches at the Blacksmith.
The Cost
Crafting a Mythic Unique Cache is no small investment. Each cache costs a hefty 50 million gold. While this is an expensive endeavor, gold is generally easier to farm than Resplendent Sparks, making this a viable method for players who are already well-established in gold acquisition. After all, crafting is a more consistent way to target specific Mythics, and the payoff can be huge.
What You Get
Opening a Mythic Unique Cache offers the potential to unlock top-tier Mythic gear, such as the Heir of Perdition Mythic or the GA Ring of Starless Skies. Both of these items are fantastic for endgame builds, and opening these caches might provide just the boost you need to dominate on Torment 4.
However, be aware that the contents of these caches are randomized, so you might not always get the specific Mythic you're hoping for. It's a bit of a gamble, but crafting these caches is one of the best ways to get started with high-level Mythic gear.
Method 2: Farming Endgame Bosses
If you're more of a boss-hunter than a crafter, farming endgame bosses might be your preferred method for obtaining Mythics. The process for this method has a bit of variance, as it often depends on the bosses available during the current season and the drop rates they offer. Let's break down the bosses I've personally farmed for Mythics this season:
Boss Farming Results for Season 7
1. Andariel: 0 Mythics
2. Duriel: 4 Mythics (2 solo, 2 with a group)
3. Grigoire: 2 Mythics (solo)
4. Lord Zir: 0 Mythics
5. The Beast in Ice: 0 Mythics
6. Varshan: 2 Mythics (solo)
As you can see, farming endgame bosses can be a bit unpredictable. Some bosses, like Duriel, have yielded me a decent amount of Mythics, while others, like Andariel and Lord Zir, haven't dropped any. This variability means that you'll have to farm a variety of bosses to maximize your chances, as no single boss is guaranteed to drop Mythic gear every time.
Why Boss Farming Works
Endgame bosses are designed to be tough challenges, so it makes sense that they are often the source of some of the best loot in Diablo 4. Since Mythics are extremely powerful and rare, they have a chance to drop from these bosses—especially the tougher ones. I recommend focusing on Duriel for your Mythic farming; my results with him have been very positive, and he's proved to be an excellent source of high-level gear.
When farming bosses, be sure to go solo or in a group, depending on the strength of the boss and your personal capabilities. Group farming can increase your chances of finding a Mythic, but it's also possible to score solo drops, as evidenced by my own experience.
Boss Farming Strategy
· Focus on high-reward bosses: Prioritize tougher endgame bosses that have a high Mythic drop rate, like Duriel.
· Group or solo: Decide whether you want to run these bosses solo for a higher chance of getting Mythics yourself, or if you're willing to join a group and increase your chances collectively.
· Patience is key: Farming bosses for Mythics can take a lot of time, but the rewards are worth the effort.
Method 3: Running Undercity with the Tribute of Ascendance
The final method we'll explore today is running the Undercity with the Tribute of Ascendance. This method is one of the most effective ways to acquire Mythic gear, and it's something you should be doing once you've reached the necessary level and gear threshold for it.
What Is the Tribute of Ascendance?
The Tribute of Ascendance is a mechanic introduced in Season 7 that allows you to participate in Undercity runs where you're guaranteed a chance to find Mythic gear. There are two versions of these runs:
1. Resolute: Only you, the player, can get a Mythic drop.
2. United: All party members have a chance to get a Mythic drop.
While I've been running the Resolute version and have had great success, many players recommend that you aim for the United version for maximum Mythic chances. However, I haven't gotten a United run yet, but even with Resolute, I've had a 50% drop rate for Mythics.
How to Farm Tribute of Ascendance
In order to participate in these runs, you'll need to kill world bosses and farm Tree of Whispers caches. The Tribute of Ascendance is awarded as a reward from these activities. It's not guaranteed every time, but the more world bosses you kill and the more caches you farm, the higher your chances of getting a Tribute.
Once you have a Tribute, head to the Undercity and begin your run. With the Resolute version, you'll be the only one receiving Mythics, which is nice for solo players. I've personally acquired 4 Mythics from 8 tributes, which gives me a solid 50% chance per run.
Additional Tips
· Gold isn't necessary: When running the Tribute of Ascendance, I didn't offer gold at all. After testing, I found that gold doesn't seem to affect the drop rate, so save your gold for other uses.
· Focus on farming world bosses: These bosses are your primary source of Tributes, so focus your efforts on them.
Salvaging and Crafting More Mythics
Once you've accumulated multiple Mythics, you'll likely start to see some repetition in your gear drops. When this happens, don't just toss those extra Mythics aside. Take them to the Blacksmith and salvage them for Resplendent Sparks, which you can then use to craft new Mythic Unique Caches. This process allows you to keep farming for the Mythics you need for your build.
By following these three methods—crafting Mythic Unique Caches, farming endgame bosses, and running Undercity runs with the Tribute of Ascendance—you're maximizing your chances of finding Mythic gear without having to rely on the unreliable and expensive crafting rune system.
In Season 7 of Diablo 4, Mythic gear is the key to taking your character to the highest levels of power. Whether you prefer crafting, boss farming, or running Undercity tributes, there are a variety of ways to secure these elusive pieces of Diablo 4 Items gear. While crafting with runes may be difficult and expensive, the methods outlined in this article give you practical and effective alternatives for obtaining Mythics. Remember, Mythics are the only gear pieces that money can't buy, and you'll need to put in the work to find them. Best of luck in your Mythic hunt, and may your gear be ever powerful!
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