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Blog > Top 5 Ways to Make Gil in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Expansion

Top 5 Ways to Make Gil in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail Expansion

Jan 07, 2025, 09:45:09 PST | Categories : Final Fantasy XIV |

Final Fantasy XIV continues to be one of the most beloved MMORPGs, offering a vast world filled with diverse gameplay mechanics. One key aspect of the game is making Gil, the in-game currency, to fund your adventures and gear progression. With the Dawntrail expansion introducing new content and opportunities for players, there are several ways to earn Gil efficiently. Below are the top five methods to make Gil in the Dawntrail expansion, featuring a mix of old reliable strategies and new opportunities.

1. Leave Quests (and the Endwalker Method)

Leave quests have long been a staple of earning FFXIV Gil. While the new Dawntrail leave quests don't offer significantly more Gil than those from Endwalker, there is still a solid method to maximize their efficiency. One trick is to go back to Endwalker areas where the quests are slightly easier due to level disparity. Since you're 10 levels above the required level for these tasks, you can complete them quickly using a simple one-button macro.

To maximize your efficiency:

  · Utilize the "Trained Eye" ability followed by a couple of "Groundworks" actions to finish the leave quests with minimal effort.

  · Note that you can only hold 100 leave allowances, and the reset occurs at 6:00 AM and PM. It's advisable to plan your playtime around these resets to avoid losing out on allowances.

  · On the 17th day, after completing all your leave quests, ensure that you use the remaining allowances, as capping out at 100 leaves you with lost potential rewards.

By doing this consistently, you can earn upwards of a million Gil every 17 days by focusing on the highest-quality turn-ins, such as Mountain Steeped products, which can yield around 10,000 Gil per turn-in.

2. Running Final Coil of Bahamut

The Final Coil of Bahamut, the classic raid introduced in A Realm Reborn, continues to be a profitable activity for players, especially for those who are looking to earn quick Gil. You can run this raid unsynced with your most powerful DPS class, which allows you to speed through the encounters.

Here's how to maximize your earnings from the Final Coil:

  · Focus on completing Turn 4 of the Second Coil and Turn 5 of the First Coil.

  · You'll receive a range of valuable items such as weapon coffers, body coffers, and sometimes even the music sheets that drop from these raids.

  · One lucrative trick is desynthesizing the items you earn, which could give you Battle Materia, worth around 1,000 Gil each. This helps you earn more than the item’s base vendor value.

  · Each raid takes only about 8-11 seconds, so you can complete multiple runs per hour, making this a reliable and quick method to earn Gil.

On average, each run of the raid can yield over 2,000 Gil in under a minute, depending on your luck and desynthesis results.

3. Alexander Raid (The Gordian)

Like the Final Coil of Bahamut, the Alexander raid is another valuable source of Gil. While the loot from this raid is different, it offers several valuable pieces, especially if you run it unsynced.

To efficiently farm Alexander:

  · The key to this method is focusing on the items that you receive, specifically body and leg pieces, which can be sold for approximately 970-980 Gil each. Accessories, on the other hand, can be traded in for company seals, which can further be exchanged for Gil via the Grand Company system.

  · You need to go through several steps to unlock the raid, but once unlocked, running it unsynced allows you to speed through it with your strongest job.

  · Each turn will drop specific parts, such as bolts, springs, shafts, and shieldings, all of which can be turned in for Gil or used for crafting.

After running this raid 14 times, you can expect to earn over 40,000 Gil from vendor sales alone, not factoring in the additional value from turning in accessories for company seals. Completing these 14 runs typically takes around 7-9 minutes, making it an excellent method for quick, repetitive Gil farming.

4. Script Farming and Isar Restoration

The Isar restoration system introduced in Dawntrail brings new ways for gatherers and crafters to make a steady income through the use of orange, purple, and sky scripts. These scripts are earned by completing certain crafting and gathering tasks, which are exchanged for valuable items that can be sold for Gil.

  · Orange scripts, for example, can be earned by crafting or gathering high-quality materials like Dark R Flow. Once you reach level 100 in your gathering or crafting profession, you can exchange these scripts for useful items, such as condensed solutions and rare collectibles.

  · For gatherers, some of the rarer gathering nodes also drop valuable materials like Mountain Tokens or Ranique Horns, which can be sold for a significant profit.

  · You can also use the residual scripts to get an additional condensed solution, which adds value to your total earnings.

For efficient farming, focus on gathering items that are in high demand for crafting or marketable for other players. Once you’ve accumulated a decent amount of scripts and items, turn them in for a significant return in Gil.

5. Daily and Weekly Tasks (Duty Roulettes and Custom Deliveries)

For consistent income, daily and weekly tasks like Duty Roulettes and Custom Deliveries can help players earn a substantial amount of Gil.

  · Completing daily roulettes not only provides valuable experience but also comes with a fair amount of Gil and various materials, which can be sold on the marketboard. Focus on the high-reward roulettes, such as the Level 80+ roulettes or the Mentor Roulette for extra rewards.

  · Custom Deliveries also offer a reliable stream of Gil, as you can turn in crafted or gathered items to specific NPCs for significant returns. These deliveries reset weekly and are a great way to cap off your daily activities with a tidy sum.

By regularly completing these daily and weekly tasks, you can steadily build your Gil without the grind of end-game raids or complex crafting rotations or direct buy Final Fantasy XIV Gil. These activities are perfect for players who enjoy a more laid-back approach to earning Gil.


Making Gil in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail doesn’t have to be a complex process. Whether you’re running old raids for loot, completing simple leave quests, or diving into crafting and gathering, there are multiple ways to boost your wallet. By focusing on these top five methods—Leave Quests, Final Coil, Alexander Raid, Script Farming, and Daily/Weekly tasks—you can steadily earn enough Gil to fund your adventures, gear, and whatever else the world of Eorzea has to offer.

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