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Blog > Endgame Crafting in Last Epoch: The Secrets of Experimental Affixes

Endgame Crafting in Last Epoch: The Secrets of Experimental Affixes

Mar 18, 2024, 09:40:22 PST | Categories : Last Epoch |

Last Epoch, a game that continuously surprises and challenges its players, presents an intricate crafting system that allows for the creation of truly godly items. In this guide, we'll delve into the depths of endgame crafting, focusing particularly on harnessing the power of experimental affixes. Join me, Rex, as I unveil the secrets behind creating items that will elevate your build to unprecedented heights.

Last Epoch


Understanding Experimental Affixes:


Experimental affixes are special modifiers that offer unique bonuses to gear in the Last Epoch. These affixes, such as "1.8 seconds of haste after using a traversal skill" or "ward gain on kill," are obtained from experimental items dropped by Mages throughout the game. However, harnessing their power isn't as straightforward as it may seem.


The Challenge of Crafting Exalted Items:


One of the primary challenges in crafting godly items lies in the requirement for them to be exalted. While experimental affixes can be found on various gear pieces, they must be exalted to be combined with other items or unique gear. This presents a significant hurdle for players aiming to maximize their builds.


Enter the Glyph of Insight:


To overcome this challenge, we introduce the Glyph of Insighta crucial tool in the arsenal of every aspiring crafter. This glyph allows players to change a prefix on an item to an experimental affix, opening up a world of possibilities for crafting. However, its usage requires careful planning and strategy to achieve optimal results.


Crafting Strategy:


Crafting with experimental affixes demands meticulous planning and execution. It's essential to understand the specific requirements for each gear typewhether it's gloves, boots, or beltsand how they influence the outcome of your crafting endeavors.


For gloves, the total AIX tiers determine the potential outcome. Boots, on the other hand, are influenced by forging potential, while belts are determined by the item's level requirement. By grasping these mechanics, players can manipulate their crafting process to achieve desired results.


Utilizing Crafting Tools:


A valuable resource in the crafting journey is online crafting tools such as Last Epoch's Crafting Simulator. This tool allows players to input their gear's stats and experiment with different crafting scenarios before committing in-game. By simulating various crafting paths, players can optimize their approach and minimize wasted resources.


Example Crafting Scenarios:


To illustrate the crafting process, let's consider a few examples:


1. Crafting Exalted Boots for Haste:


  • Determine the forging potential required for the desired experimental affix.

  • Craft and manipulate affixes to achieve the target forging potential.

  • Use the Glyph of Insight to convert a prefix to the experimental affix.


2. Crafting Exalted Gloves for Minion Damage:


  • Calculate the total AIX tiers needed for the experimental affix.

  • Manipulate affixes to meet the tier requirements.

  • Apply the Glyph of Insight to attain the desired affix.


Summary and Conclusion:


Mastering endgame crafting in Last Epoch requires a combination of knowledge, strategy, and patience. By understanding the intricacies of experimental affixes and employing effective crafting techniques, players can create items of unparalleled power for their builds.


Experiment, strategize, and refine your crafting skills to unlock the full potential of your gear. With dedication and perseverance, you'll craft items that stand as testaments to your prowess in the world of Last Epoch.


For more guides and all the latest news about Last Epoch, check out P2Pah.

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