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Blog > WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Choosing the Right Class

WoW Classic Season of Discovery: Choosing the Right Class

Nov 27, 2023, 10:22:58 PST | Categories : WOW Classic |

The highly anticipated World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery has arrived, bringing with it a wave of changes that has every player pondering the age-old question: which class should I pick? The landscape of Classic WoW has been transformed by massive overhauls to every class, offering players exciting new possibilities and challenges. In this guide, we'll delve into the pros and cons of each class, shedding light on their performance and playstyles to help you make an informed decision.


1.Warriors: The Undisputed Kings of Classic

Let's kick things off with the quintessential powerhouses of Classic WoW, the Warriors. Renowned for scaling incredibly well as the game progresses, Warriors thrive on powerful gear and buffs, generating rage for devastating attacks. Recent changes have introduced the potential for Warriors to adopt a tanking role with a hidden Gladiator stance, bringing a refreshing twist to the classic raid dynamic. However, it's essential to note that Warriors may feel relatively weaker at lower levels, only truly shining as they reach higher tiers of play.

2. Paladins: Rising Stars of Season of Discovery 

Paladins emerge as winners in the Season of Discovery, boasting improved tanking capabilities with a much-needed taunt ability. As damage dealers, they remain versatile and powerful, offering a well-rounded kit essential for any raid group. Recent nerfs to Retribution Paladins have slightly tempered their dominance, but they still stand as one of the strongest DPS classes. Their blessings, particularly Salvation, continue to make them indispensable for Alliance guilds.

3. Shamans: Horde's Elemental Powerhouses 

Shamans on the Horde side receive significant buffs, solidifying their status as sought-after healers. With the ability to heal multiple targets and bring Wind Fury totem, Shamans shine in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Season of Mastery introduces the exciting prospect of Shaman tanks, capable of handling large groups of enemies with unique abilities like a frontal cone of cold and a single-target taunt. Additionally, Shamans can explore the realms of ranged casting with devastating spells like Lava Burst, making them a versatile and engaging class.

4. Druids: Jacks-of-All-Trades 

Druids undergo extensive changes to ensure viability across all four specs. Feral DPS, with the introduction of Wild Strikes, becomes a sought-after asset in raid groups. Balance Druids receive new spells like Sunfire and Star Surge, addressing their previous mana issues. Druids no longer face restrictions on using their abilities due to buff caps, making them more functional in various scenarios. Whether tanking, DPSing, or healing, Druids are no longer overshadowed by other classes.

5. Hunters: Remaining Pure DPS 

Hunters maintain their position as the last pure DPS class in Season of Discovery, offering multiple playstyles from pet-centric builds to melee and ranged options. Melee Hunters, a surprising addition, introduce exciting abilities like Flanking Strike and an uncapped cleave, making them a formidable force in PvE. Hunter pet builds transform pets into effective tanks, further diversifying their role. The addition of Aspect of the Lion also brings a valuable stat buff for the entire group.

6. Rogues: Masters of PvP and PvE 

Rogues continue to shine as one of the best classes for both PvP and PvE. Season of Discovery brings valuable additions to their toolkit, including a ranged kidney shot and a ranged slow ability, addressing previous limitations in PvP scenarios. Rogues can now explore tanking, relying on avoidance rather than absorbing hits, making them a unique addition to raid compositions. The primary drawback remains their limited AoE abilities, making them excel in single-target scenarios.

7. Warlocks: Demon Tanks and DPS Powerhouses 

Warlocks undergo a revolutionary transformation, evolving beyond their shadowbolt-centric playstyle. The introduction of the Metamorphosis Rune allows Warlocks to transform into demon tanks, boasting increased armor, instant cast abilities, and powerful AoE capabilities. The variety in build options, from fire damage to damage over time, makes Warlocks a force to be reckoned with in both PvP and PvE. Affliction Warlocks, in particular, anticipate additional runes to further enhance their damage output.

8. Priests: Masters of Healing and Shadow Damage 

Priests receive notable improvements in both healing and shadow damage capabilities. Shadow priests gain the potent AoE ability, M Seer, while healing priests acquire new spells like Penance, prayer of mending, and circle of healing. The introduction of h Uli allows priests to split their soul into three miniature copies, applying powerful debuffs to their target. While priests may encounter mana challenges at lower levels, their impactful healing and shadow damage potential make them invaluable in raids.

9. Mages: Elemental Masters and Unlikely Healers 

Mages continue their mastery of the elements, with each spec offering distinct playstyles. Fire Mages, in particular, receive powerful abilities like living bomb and living flame, while Frost Mages gain extra damage avenues with ice lance and fingers of frost. A surprising addition is the mage's potential to become a healer, although recent nerfs have slightly tempered this newfound role. Mages remain a versatile class, excelling in various scenarios with their elemental prowess.

Conclusion: Choose What You Enjoy 

In the Season of Discovery, every class receives significant support from new runes, eliminating the need for rigid class choices based on raid invites. The key is to choose a class that aligns with your preferences, playstyles, and enjoyment. Whether you revel in the brute strength of a Warrior, the versatile support of a Paladin, or the elemental mastery of a Mage, the Season of Discovery beckons with exciting possibilities. Embrace the changes, discover new facets of the game, and above all, have fun in the realms of Classic WoW.

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