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Blog > construct
  • Diablo 4 Season 3: Unveiling the Season of the Construct

    Today we dive into the exciting details of Diablo 4 Season 3: The Season of the Construct. Blizzard has just revealed the upcoming season in a blog post, providing a glimpse into the new content, challenges, and mechanics that await us in Sanctuary. Introduction to Season 3: The Construct's Threat Players will embark on a thrilling journey, facing ancient forces that threaten Sanctuary. Guided by their senal companion, Hazard, they must delve deep beneath the desert of Kis…

    Jan 18, 2024, 09:38:33 PST | Categories: Diablo 4 | Tag: Diablo 4 Season 3 , Construct , Diablo IV Items , Diablo 4 Gold | 274