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Blog > WoW Classic 20th Anniversary: Paladin Leveling Guide Update

WoW Classic 20th Anniversary: Paladin Leveling Guide Update

Dec 21, 2024, 09:49:11 PST | Categories : WoW Classic 20th Anniversary |

This episode is all about the Paladin class. We’ll be covering everything you need to know, from the best weapons and seals to talent builds and money-saving tips. Plus, I’ll offer advice on gear priorities, weapon progression, and how to prepare for that epic mount at level 60 (although, I just realized you don’t need to save for your Mount anymore — but you still should save for your Epic Mount). Let’s dive in!

What Weapons and Seals Should You Use?

When it comes to weapons, the Paladin is all about two-handed weapons—preferably the slowest ones you can find. Why slow? It’s because Seal of Command scales with weapon damage. The slower the weapon, the more damage it will deal with Seal of Command. This is a key part of your leveling rotation, especially when dealing with tougher enemies.

For your Judgement debuff, Seal of the Crusader is your go-to until you get Seal of Command. Prior to that, Seal of Righteousness will do fine for your single-target damage. But, don’t forget Seal of Wisdom in certain situations where mana regeneration becomes a concern—like when you’re running low on mana and need that sustainability.

The Optimal Talent Build

When it comes to talent choices, there’s a bit of flexibility based on playstyle and personal preference. Early on, you’ll want to focus on the Retribution tree, specifically maxing out Seal of Command and talents that boost your damage output, such as Vengeance.

At the same time, dipping into the Holy tree for Divine Strength is crucial. Divine Strength is a simple, but powerful way to boost your overall DPS, and it pairs well with your slow two-handed weapon. There’s a bit of debate around whether to max out Blessing of Might or invest in Benediction (which reduces seal mana costs). While some argue Blessing of Might is the way to go, others prefer the efficiency of Benediction. In the end, it comes down to your playstyle, but don’t neglect the other key talents—specifically Vengeance and Seal of Command.

An alternative build worth considering is a Reckoning build, which focuses on the Protection tree. This build is particularly useful when you’re cleaving through multiple mobs. Around level 32, Reckoning begins to shine as it has a higher chance of triggering a critical strike when you’re hit by enemies, making this a great option for AOE farming. If you want to go full-on Reckoning, consider investing points into Concentration, Blessing of Sanctuary, and Reckoning to maximize uptime. Reckoning is extremely powerful when you’re fighting groups of enemies, and you’ll need to use Seal of Wisdom to manage your mana for longer encounters.

Aura Priority and Seal Usage

For a Paladin leveling, the Sanctity Aura is the best aura to use when available. If you haven’t unlocked it yet, Devotion Aura will work as a solid alternative. As for seals, you’ll mainly be using Seal of Wisdom for sustainability, reducing downtime while you level. Once your mana isn’t a concern, switch to Blessing of Wisdom for an additional mana regeneration boost.

Gearing: Stats and Item Priorities

When it comes to gearing, agility and strength are very important for maximizing DPS. Agility helps maintain Vengeance stacks, which further boosts your damage, while strength increases your overall attack power. When leveling, however, you should focus on gear that provides stamina and intellect, especially if you’re doing AOE pulls or questing in tougher zones. While strength is great for DPS, early on, stacking intellect and stamina is key to surviving longer fights and reducing downtime between pulls.

At lower levels, mail gear is your best bet, as it provides a good balance of stamina and agility. However, as you approach higher levels, focus on gear that maximizes your primary stats for your chosen playstyle, and always make sure to upgrade when possible to keep your stats balanced and maximize your DPS output.

Weapon Progression

Your weapon progression is vital to your leveling efficiency. As I mentioned earlier, using a slow two-handed weapon is ideal for Seal of Command, but you should also keep an eye on upgrading your weapons as you level. One-handers and shields become more useful when you switch to an AOE Reckoning build, so be sure to keep a one-hander and shield handy for those situations.

If you’re following a traditional Retribution build, aim for powerful two-handed weapons as you progress. For a more specific weapon guide, check out my exclusive video for subscribers, where I break down the best weapons for each phase of your Paladin journey.

Money-Saving Tips for Your Mount

While you don’t need to save up for your mount anymore, there is still a need to focus on saving gold for your Epic Mount at level 60. But how do you save money while leveling? Here are a few tips:

1. Check Auction House Prices: Always be on the lookout for gear upgrades, potions, and consumables at affordable prices. You can flip items for a small profit while leveling to save more for your mount.

2. Professions and Gold Flipping: Crafting professions are a great way to make gold while you level. Items such as potions, bags, and crafted gear are always in demand, especially when you’re near a major city or in an active leveling zone.

3. Quest and Farm Efficiently: Focus on quests that offer gold rewards and consider farming specific items that can be sold for a profit. This is especially useful when you’re in areas that drop valuable crafting materials or rare items.

4. Level Up Smarter, Not Faster: While it’s tempting to rush to max level, the best way to save gold is by leveling at a steady pace. Use rested XP wisely and don’t neglect the gold rewards from quests. I’ve made a video that outlines the most efficient leveling routes, which also help you accumulate WoW Classic Fresh gold along the way.

Final Thoughts

Leveling a Paladin in WoW Classic is a rewarding experience, but it requires a bit of planning to ensure you're using the best talents, weapons, and seals for maximum efficiency. By following the strategies I’ve outlined, including weapon progression, talent choices, and gear priorities, you’ll be well on your way to hitting level 60 with the gold you need for your Epic Mount. Whether you prefer AOE farming or sticking to a single-target rotation, the Paladin is a versatile and fun class to level.

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